

Recomendável o artigo do colega LUIGI ZINGALES – “Capitalism After the Crisis” na “National Affairs – Fall 2009”. Peguei esta frase de lá e, mais uma vez, continuamos capitalistas. Afinal, o mundo capitalista é terreno fértil para a liberdade.
The United States developed a system of capitalism that comes closer than any other to the ideal combination of economics freedom and open competition.”


- In Defence Of Capitalism, The Most Virtuous Economic System Yet Devised.
Recebi do nosso grupo de Economia Política o post completo que o escritor e jornalista Daniel Hannan publicou hoje em seu blog no jornal The Telegraph. Trata-se de um texto muito bom na demonstração de como funciona o capitalismo e confirma o que...

- O Fantasma Chamado Capitalismo
The Capitalism Delusion February 2, 2012 By Russell Lamberti I despair at the state and quality of economic debate these days. Time and again we are subjected to editorials, debates and conference discussion forums in which progressive...

- A Grande Estagnaçaõ - A Bomba Da Dívida
Betting with Trillions Prison of Debt Paralyzes West By Cordt Schnibben Be it the United States or the European Union, most Western countries are so highly indebted today that the markets have a greater say in their policies than the people. Why...

- Caos Intervencionista
"[T]he system under which we live, choked up with attempts at partial planning and restrictionism, is almost as far from any system of capitalism which could be rationally advocated as it is different from any consistent system of planning. It is important...

- Realidade Econômica E A Teoria Econômica
Where Did Economics Go Wrong? Modern Economics as a Flight from Reality Peter J. Boettke George Mason University - Department of Economics Critical Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 11-64, Winter 1997  Abstract: F.A. Hayek's realistic...

