In defence of capitalism, the most virtuous economic system yet devised.
Recebi do nosso grupo de Economia Política
o post completo que o escritor e jornalista Daniel Hannan publicou hoje em seu
blog no jornal The Telegraph. Trata-se de um texto muito bom na demonstração de
como funciona o capitalismo e confirma o que eu sempre comento: ainda não
inventaram um modelo econômico melhor que o capitalismo.
In defence of
capitalism, the most virtuous economic system yet devised.
There’s nothing
selfish about capitalism. Like every economic model, it is a matrix within
which individual actors can behave morally or immorally. But here’s the thing:
no one has yet come up with a system that rewards decent behaviour to the same
In an open market
based on property rights and free contract, you become wealthy by offering an
honest service to others. I am typing
these words on a machine developed by the late Steve Jobs. He gained from the
exchange (adding fractionally to his net wealth) and so did I (adding to my
Under the various
forms of corporatism tried by fascist and socialist regimes, by contrast,
someone else – generally a state official – gets to allocate the goodies,
guaranteeing favoritism and corruption.
Para quem gostou e quer continuar a leitura
basta acessar
O Capitalismo Americano
Recomendável o artigo do colega LUIGI ZINGALES – “Capitalism After the Crisis” na “National Affairs – Fall 2009”. Peguei esta frase de lá e, mais uma vez, continuamos capitalistas. Afinal, o mundo capitalista é terreno fértil para a liberdade.“The...
O Conceito De "capitalismo"
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The Capitalism Delusion
February 2, 2012
By Russell Lamberti
despair at the state and quality of economic debate these days. Time
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Mais um "policy analysis" para minhas horas de folga (se é que elas ainda existem...): Replacing Potemkin Capitalism: Russia's Need for a Free-Market Financial System.
On August 17, 1998, Russia devalued...