O fantasma chamado capitalismo

O fantasma chamado capitalismo

The Capitalism Delusion

February 2, 2012
By Russell Lamberti
I despair at the state and quality of economic debate these days. Time and again we are subjected to editorials, debates and conference discussion forums in which progressive elites assure us that ‘Capitalism’ is terminal, having been once and for all irrefutably and devastatingly discredited.  For these progressive intellectuals, the current global financial crisis is an ideological godsend, akin to the mainstream Right’s revelry in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In almost every instance I’m referring to, Capitalism is defined as the unfettered free market system. This is perfectly fine as it goes, but this is not the source of my despair. My despair lies with the utterly false misconception that the system that fostered the global economic crisis was a capitalistic one. That is, to argue that the unfettered free market was responsible for our present crises is to completely miscomprehend the nature of our political economy and the set of conditions that precipitated near total financial calamity.


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