Caos intervencionista

Caos intervencionista

"[T]he system under which we live, choked up with attempts at partial planning and restrictionism, is almost as far from any system of capitalism which could be rationally advocated as it is different from any consistent system of planning. It is important to realize in any investigation of the possibilities of planning that it is a fallacy to suppose capitalism as it exists today is the alternative. We are certainly as far from capitalism in its pure form as we are from any system of central planning. The world of today is just interventionist chaos." ("Socialist Calculation I: The Nature of the Problem," reprinted in "Individualism and Economic Order" (1948), p. 136.


- In Defence Of Capitalism, The Most Virtuous Economic System Yet Devised.
Recebi do nosso grupo de Economia Política o post completo que o escritor e jornalista Daniel Hannan publicou hoje em seu blog no jornal The Telegraph. Trata-se de um texto muito bom na demonstração de como funciona o capitalismo e confirma o que...

- O Conceito De "capitalismo"
“Free Markets” Are Not “Capitalism” The word “capitalism” was coined by the socialists, often used as a pejorative, and has historically described a system of state-granted privilege and plutocracy. This is the definition to which most...

- Bretton Woods
What was decided at the Bretton Woods summit ON JULY 1ST 1944 the rich world’s finance experts convened in a hotel in the New Hampshire mountains to discuss the post-war monetary system. The Bretton Woods system that emerged from the conference saw...

- O Fantasma Chamado Capitalismo
The Capitalism Delusion February 2, 2012 By Russell Lamberti I despair at the state and quality of economic debate these days. Time and again we are subjected to editorials, debates and conference discussion forums in which progressive...

- A Grande Depressão
Paul Johnson: "... The Wall Street collapse of September–October 1929 and the Great Depression which followed it were among the most important events of the 20th century. They made the Second World War possible, though not inevitable, and by undermining...

