
Quem ganhou com oil-for-food?

* Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party leader, and companies associated with his party were allocated 53 million barrels.
* Alexander Voloshin, chief of staff under former Russian President Boris Yeltsin, was allocated 3.9 million barrels of oil from May to December 2002.
* Oscar S. Wyatt Jr., a prominent Texas energy investor with a long history of dealings in Iraq, received vouchers for 29.7 million barrels, according to press reports.
* Benon Sevan, the U.N. chief of the Oil-for-Food Program, received an allocation of 13 million barrels.
* Charles Pasqua, a businessman and former French interior minister, received an allocation of 11 million barrels.
* Megawati Sukarnoputri, the former Indonesian president, was allocated 6 million barrels.

Para mais detalhes, clique no trecho e veja o link. Como sempre, um tema me vem à mente: a reforma da ONU. Quando será que isto será seriamente discutido?


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