Pobreza americana

Pobreza americana

Most Food Stamp Recipients Have No Earned Income By Sara Murray

Some 70% of households that relied on food stamps last year had no earned income, a new report shows.More than 40 million individuals and nearly 19 million households tapped the food stamp program in 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. While the recession technically ended in 2009, a sluggish economic recovery left millions out of work or underemployed and leaning on the government for assistance last year.


- Macro Iii - Distriubição De Renda E Patrimônio
Novo estudo mostra para os Estados Unidos que os pobres ficam pobres e os ricas ficam mais ricos: http://rrp.sagepub.com/content/43/4/467.full.pdf+html Who Are the Winners and the Losers? Transitions in the U.S. Household Income Distribution John...

- Onde Mora A Riqueza?
(Reuters) - The United States has 10 times more affluent households than China or India, research shows, undermining arguments the global economy can be sustained by consumption in emerging markets. A survey of affluent households around the world --...

- O "capitalismo" Americano, O "comunismo" Chinês E O "socialismo" Brasileiro
Um em seis Americanos recebe suporte de uns dos varios programas contra a pobreza, incluindo "food stamps", quais hoje inclui 40 milhões pessoas; Mais de 50 milhões Americanos estão no programa "Medicaid" - o programa de pagar os custos de saúde...

Quem ganhou com oil-for-food? * Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party leader, and companies associated with his party were allocated 53 million barrels. * Alexander Voloshin, chief of staff under former Russian President Boris...

Corrupção ONU-Iraque? A velha questão do "oil for food" ainda está sob investigação. E, melhor ainda, você pode ler mais sobre isto no próprio site do comitê independente de investigação. O link é este: Independent Inquiry Committee. ...

