

As investigações continuam. E parece que Benon Sevan está ficando em uma situação bastante delicada...

To deal with the allegations that companies and individuals — including former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein — siphoned off billions of dollars meant for the Iraqi people, Annan named a three-member panel led by Paul Volcker to lead an investigation. Volcker is the respected former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Annan has said that he expects Benon Sevan, the former head of the program, and other U.N. staff members to cooperate with the investigation. But Sevan's office has sent letters to some of the companies involved in the program not to release any documents or to talk to investigators without prior approval.

One of the companies that received the letter is Cotecna, the Swiss-based company that was awarded a $4.8 billion contract for the oil-for-food program just months after Annan's son, Kojo, ended a consulting assignment with the firm.


Oil (from UN) - for - food (or Saddam's pockets) Mais uma evidência de que o programa da ONU para o Iraque, o extinto "Oil-for-food" serviu a outros fins. O que me faz pensar: não é hora de rever os incentivos destes programas de ajuda? De que...

Ainda o oil-for-food Segundo o jornal Daily Times, baseado em informações da Reuters: Russian firms and traders buying Iraqi crude were in first place with $19 billion worth of contracts among 64 nations. Companies in France were a low second...

Quem ganhou com oil-for-food? * Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party leader, and companies associated with his party were allocated 53 million barrels. * Alexander Voloshin, chief of staff under former Russian President Boris...

Oil-for-food Que dificuldade para apurar os fatos! Este caso entrará para a história dos estudos da burocracia, creio, como o mais interessante do início do século XXI. A hora de rever as instituições globais realmente parece estar chegando....

Oil-for-food ? Um outro bom texto. Comece a ler e clique nele para ler o resto. In quieter times, I once described Kofi Annan as a good man in a difficult job. That's a vast understatement today. Greatness is required now from the secretary-general...

