
Quando um burocrata norueguês tem muita grana para controlar....

...ele não faz muito diferente dos colegas brasileiros, americanos ou japoneses.

Incentivos. Eis aí a palavra-chave. Clique no trecho abaixo para saber mais a respeito.

Switzerland is investigating possible money-laundering in connection with Norwegian oil giant Statoil, a spokeswoman for federal prosecutors confirmed.

The inquiry, which was opened "a while ago", is focused on one person and should soon be concluded, Andrea Sadecky said Sunday in reaction to an article in German language newspaper SonntagsBlick.

The weekly alleged that the Norwegian oil giant, which is 81.7 percent owned by the Norwegian state, paid 6.75 million Swiss francs (4.36 million euros, 5.21 million dollars) to a consultancy for developing its business in Iran and 2.5 million francs went through an account at Credit Suisse in Geneva.


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