P.J. O'Rourke sobre seu guia turístico em Israel:
"My tour guide arrived the next morning. His name was a long collection of aspirates, glottal stops, and gutturals with, like printed Hebrew, no evident vowels. "Americans can never pronounce it, " he said. "Just call me T'zchv". I called him Z.
Z was full of anger about the fighting in Israel - the fighting with the ultra-Orthodox Jews. "They don't serve in the army. They don't pay taxes. The government gives them money. I call them Pharisees".
[Peace Kills, p. 37]
Vá a Brasília...mas ponha a mão na carteira
Eis aí um fórum em um lugar, no mínimo, curioso... :-)
IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption
The IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption – From Words to Deeds, will be held from June 7 to 10,...
Sou canhoto: vai encarar?
O post inteiro a um clique.
Lefties make better fighters
In relation to an earlier post about lefties there is an ABC News report floating the notion that left-handedness conveys an advantage in fighting. That is, people...
Nada como o humor contra as frases frágeis que desmancham ao ar de tão superficiais...
"Time is the best medicine", said a colonel in the Russian medical corps who was running a civilian clinicin Kosove Polje.
"If time is the best medicine",...
Bom humor: o dilema da cooperação internacional
Um trecho pequeno do mais novo livro do engraçadíssimo P.J. O'Rourke:
"We were going to stop global warming by signing the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. Then we realized the Kyoto...
Mais sobre o Iraque
A opinião do Haaretz (jornal israelense) - Haaretz - Israel News - Kurds cast wary eye on Iraq handover - destaca o problema dos curdos, que ainda desejam um estado independente.
O Arab News (jornal saudita) consegue passar...