
Vá a Brasília...mas ponha a mão na carteira

Eis aí um fórum em um lugar, no mínimo, curioso... :-)

IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption

The IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption – From Words to Deeds, will be held from June 7 to 10, 2005, in Brasilia - Brazil, aiming to discuss practical and effective means of preventing and fighting corruption.

In Brazil, the Global Forum is being organized by the Office of the Controller General (CGU), an agency of the Presidency of the Republic, in cooperation with the International Committee, the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and “Transparência Brasil” (Brazil Transparency). Eight workshops and five panels have been conceived to promote the discussion of issues such as international conventions, money laundering, public procurement, electronic government, corruption measurement, conflict of interests, civil society, and corruption at the local level.

I. International Conventions
First session: Effective Implementation of International Conventions
Second session: Building and Evaluating Monitoring Mechanisms
Special session: Ensuring the Visibility of Conventions and Monitoring Mechanisms

II. Money Laundering
First session: Asset recovery
Second Session: International cooperation against Money Laundering
Special session: Lessons Learned

III. Public Procurement
First session: Improving the efficiency of public procurement systems
Second session: Evaluation of public procurement systems and institutions
Special session: Improving disclosure

IV. E-government
First session: E-government as a managerial tool
Second session: E-government as a tool for accountability
Special session: Improving visibility

V. Measuring corruption
First session: Measuring integrity
Second session: Economic impact of corruption
Special session: Uses of indicators

VI. Conflict of interest
First session: Rules and Tools for managing Conflict of Interest
Second session: Business Ethics and Public Interest
Special session: Private and Public Information (what to protect, what to disclose)

VII. Civil Society
First session: Improving Mechanisms of Control
Second session: Controlling the comptroller: accountability of CSOs
Special session: Improving access to information

VIII. The Local Level
First session: Controlling the remote: challenges and solutions
Second session: The challenges of decentralization
Special session: Improving visibility over local expenditure

I. The role of the Media
II. Improving integrity in border and fiscal agencies
III. Political Financing
IV. Law enforcement
V. Ombudsman and Similar institutions

The Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity is a multilateral meeting. The first meeting of the Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity between Legal and Safety Employees was held in 1999, in Washington, USA. The II Global Forum was held in Hague, the Netherlands, in 2001, and the III Global Forum was held in Seoul, South Korea, in 2003.

For more information contact:
[email protected]
Executive Secretariat
Phone/Fax: 55 61 4126716
Brasilia - Brazil


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