Nada como o humor contra as frases frágeis que desmancham ao ar de tão superficiais...
"Time is the best medicine", said a colonel in the Russian medical corps who was running a civilian clinicin Kosove Polje.
"If time is the best medicine", I said, "why don't we all feel better than we did twenty years ago?" [P.J. O'Rourke, Peace kills, p.28]
As Versões De Barack Obama.
Falando em humor, fechamos o mês com o sempre inteligente humor da TIME. ...
P.J. O'Rourke sobre seu guia turístico em Israel:
"My tour guide arrived the next morning. His name was a long collection of aspirates, glottal stops, and gutturals with, like printed Hebrew, no evident vowels. "Americans can never pronounce...
Bom humor: o dilema da cooperação internacional
Um trecho pequeno do mais novo livro do engraçadíssimo P.J. O'Rourke:
"We were going to stop global warming by signing the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. Then we realized the Kyoto...
Humor: o genial P.J. O'Rourke fazendo análise política
A diferença, para mim, de ler P.J. O'Rourke e Luiz Fernando Verissimo fazendo análise política - ou econômica - é que, embora eu morra de rir de ambos, apenas o primeiro é, intencionalmente,...
Mind Games: Psychological Warfare Between Therapists and Scientists
Of course, tensions exist between researchers and practitioners in any field -- medicine, engineering, education. Whenever one group is doing research and the other...