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Lefties make better fighters

In relation to an earlier post about lefties there is an ABC News report floating the notion that left-handedness conveys an advantage in fighting. That is, people are used to fighting other right handed individuals, therefore being left handed confers the element of surprise which might have had an advantage in the evolutionary environment where, presumably, fisticuffs was more common.


- Jóvens Americanos Fora Da Economia
Number of Young Adults Not in School and Not Working Hits 50 Year High Nearly 6.5 million U.S. teens and young adults are neither in school nor working, according to a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The most recent "Kids Count"...

- Economia Internacional - Teorias De Comércio Exterior

- Eu Odeio O Termo "competitividade"
Arnold Kling, do Econlog, fez este comentário ao mencionar o empreendedorismo político (entenda-se rent-seeking) da General Electric, cujo CEO foi indicado pelo Presidente Barak Obama para o President's Council sobre Emprego e Competitividade: By...

Lançamento! Economia do Indivíduo - o legado da escola austríacade Rodrigo Constantino 1º de outubro de 2009 - Livraria DiVersos - Rio de Janeiro Clique sobre o banner para aumentar....

Humor P.J. O'Rourke sobre seu guia turístico em Israel: "My tour guide arrived the next morning. His name was a long collection of aspirates, glottal stops, and gutturals with, like printed Hebrew, no evident vowels. "Americans can never pronounce...

