Petróleo, mercado e segurança
 Oil market power and United States national security" (pdf) - artigo de Roger Stern publicado nos "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" de 31 de Janeiro de 2006.«It is widely believed that an oil weapon could impose scarcity upon the United States. Impending resource exhaustion is thought to exacerbate this threat. However, threat seems implausible when we consider strategic deficits of prospective weapon users and the improbability of impending resource exhaustion. Here, we explore a hypothesis relating oil to national security under a different assumption, abundance. We suggest that an oil cartel exerts market power to keep abundance at bay, commanding monopoly rents [or wealth transfers (wt)] that underwrite security threats. We then compare security threats attributed to the oil weapon to those that may arise from market power.
We first reexamine whether oil is abundant or scarce by reviewing current development data, then we estimate a competitive price for oil. From this, we derive wt2004 collections by Persian Gulf states $132-178 x 109. We find that wt and the behavior of states collecting it interact to actuate security threats. Threats underwritten by wt are (i) the potential for emergence of a Persian Gulf superpower and (ii) terrorism.
It is therefore oil market power, not oil per se, that actuates threats. We also describe a paradox in the relation of market power to the United States' defense doctrine of force projection to preempt a Gulf superpower. Because the superpower threat derives from wt, force alone cannot preempt it. A further paradox is that because foreign policy is premised on oil weapon fear, market power is appeased. Threats thereby grow unimpeded.» |
Como Eu Nunca Pensei Nisto?
Estou boquiaberto depois de ler o artigo “Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Apologia”, de Scott Albers. É um momento de Revelação. I argue that this ordering power of consciousness as displayed in macro-economics...
Gasta Quando Ainda Se Pode
Brazil tourists on spending spree
By Laura Bonilla | AFP
Taking advantage of their country's booming economy and strong currency, Brazilian tourists went on a shopping spree abroad last year, spending more than $20 billion, notably in the United...
A Crise Da Democracia Capitalista
Este é o título do novo livro de Richard Posner. Em resenha do livro no NYT, Niall Ferguson argumenta que Posner lembra um pushmi-pullyu, ao condenar o big government e aderir ao keynesianismo. Para Posner, as causas da crise foram falhas na política...
Como vencer a OPEP sem o recurso aos militares
Segundo esta notícia, isto é perfeitamente factível. Por isso pacifistas deveriam ser pró-mercado.
Trechos: Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) Monday released Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovation for...
A guerra no Iraque foi por causa do petróleo...pelo menos para os franceses
Do mesmo jornal que, outro dia, Gilson linkou aqui (agora eu o leio com alguma regularidade), matéria interessante sobre a interessante posição francesa na guerra do Iraque.