Gasta quando ainda se pode
Brazil tourists on spending spree
By Laura Bonilla | AFP

Taking advantage of their country's booming economy and strong currency, Brazilian tourists went on a shopping spree abroad last year, spending more than $20 billion, notably in the United States and France... Sydney, a 47-year-old Rio pediatrician who would not give his surname for fear of having problems with customs, travels to the United States twice a year. He told AFP he had returned from Boston this week, where he collected more than 40 boxes of Internet purchases sent to his hotel by his 14-year-old daughter. "Two iPods, one computer, brand clothes and tennis shoes, two cameras. The ease of this type of buying, the security, the quality, the prices, you can't beat that. In Brazil, everything costs twice or three times as much," he said.
Custos Da Corrupção De Petrobras Estimado Em R$ 87 Bilhões
How Much Of Brazil's Economy Got Lost In Petrobras Scandal?
A study out this week in Brazil estimates just how much the country lost to this ugly Petrobras oil scandal. The price tag: R$87 billion ($27.1 billion) that is expected...
Economia Brasileira
Brazil’s economy
More inflation, less growth
In fact, the headline figure underestimates inflationary pressures. If the federal government had not capped petrol prices, and municipalities frozen public-transport fares before October’s local elections,...
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Mercer Quality of Living Survey - Worldwide Rankings, 2011
3AucklandNew Zealand
O Retorno Do Dragão
O futuro da Bovespa decide a China. Mais cedo ou tarde a China vai provocar o collapso do real e da Bovespa:
"... Foreign inflows to Brazil totaled $28.7-billion in 2009. In order to defend the US-dollar from spiraling lower, the BoB bought $24-billion...
Os dados não mentem
"Quem ajuda mais no mundo?" Brasileiros se acham bom nisto. Mas o Brasil é um país subdesenvolvido. Então, claro, sobraram os países ricos. E aí? Qual deles ajuda mais os países pobres?
Agradeçam aos EUA, mas não a...