A Crise da Democracia Capitalista

Este é o título do novo livro de Richard Posner. Em resenha do livro no NYT, Niall Ferguson argumenta que Posner lembra um
pushmi-pullyu, ao condenar o
big government e aderir ao keynesianismo. Para Posner, as causas da crise foram falhas na política monetária (baixa taxa de juros, entre 2001 e 2004), falhas regulatórias e falhas no rigor intelectual. Entretanto, ele vê com bons olhos os gigantescos déficits fiscais provenientes das políticas keynesianas para "resgatar a economia". Mr. Ferguson conclui:
"Posner makes it clear that he understands the risks the United States now faces as the crisis of private finance continues its metamorphosis into a crisis of public finance: an exploding debt relative to gross domestic product; larger risk premiums as investors prepare for higher inflation or a weaker dollar; rising interest rates; a greater share of tax revenues going for interest payments; a diminishing share of resources available for national security as opposed to Social Security
. “As an economic power,” Posner concludes, “we may go the way of the British Empire.” Indeed. It seems not to have struck the judge that British decline and the rise of Keynesianism went hand in hand. "
Ler Os Outros: Inflation And Debt (wonkish) - Paul Krugman
Não perder este post sobre em que Krugman comenta uma caixa do capítulo I do Economic Outrlook da OCDE sobre o efeito da inflação sobre a dívida pública (os negritos são meus): "the report has a box dismissing the possibility that a higher inflation...
A Crise Financeira Americana, Segundo Posner
Duas resenhas do recém-publicado livro de Richard Posner sobre a crise financeira americana - de Robert Solow, em The New York Review of Books, e de Jonathan Rauch, em The New York Times....
A Dinâmica Da Dívida Pública
There are two things that matter in government-debt dynamics: the difference between real interest rates and GDP growth (r-g), and the primary budget balance as a % of GDP (ie, before interest payments). In any given period the debt stock grows by the...
Os Estados Unidos Perto Da Bancarotta
Is the United States Bankrupt?
Laurence J. Kotlikoff
".. Many would scoff at this notion. They’d point
out that the country has never defaulted on its
debt; that its debt-to-GDP (gross domestic product)
ratio is substantially lower than that...
Risco De Catástrofe
De vazamentos de óleo em águas profundas a crises financeiras a colisão de asteróides: Por que não fazemos nada a respeito? Richard Posner explica: "Two final problems illuminate our vulnerability to such risks. First, it is very hard for anyone...