Vale estudar economia (doutorado)

Vale estudar economia (doutorado)

National Science Foundation data indicate that Ph.D. economists have the lowest unemployment rate (0.9%) of any doctoral field, as well as one of the highest median salaries of any doctoral field. Finally, the vast majority of people are happy with the outcome of their search. Of the new Ph.D. economists in 2001-02, 94% reported that they liked their jobs very much or fairly well (Siegfried and Stock, 2004).


- A Agenda De Obama.
Para hoje, na agenda do Presidente Barack Obama: The President hosts a working dinner with President Rousseff of Brazil; the Vice President also attends. Blue Room Closed Press Qual...

- The Status Of Economists: The Power Of Self-belief.
"IF ECONOMISTS could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people, on a level with dentists, that would be splendid!" said John Maynard Keynes, a British economist. Despite their collective failure to predict the financial crisis,...

- Deflação De Preços
Price deflation is not a disaster, but a blessing Jesús Huerta de Soto and Philipp Bagus 29 June 2015 The ECB has finally launched its own open-ended Quantitative Easing (QE) planning to buy securities worth of €1.1tr euros....

- Mercado De Trabalho
A new study argues cutting unemployment benefits created 1.8 million jobs Just looking at the economy's overall size, you wouldn't think that the last year was much different from any of the others since the recession. The U.S....

- Thomas Sowell (1930 -)
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell 1930 The economist Thomas Sowell’s prodigious output of over 30 books in the last 40 years has seen him writing on topics ranging from the basics of economic thinking to the impact of...

