Thomas Sowell (1930 -)

Thomas Sowell (1930 -)

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell

The economist Thomas Sowell’s prodigious output of over 30 books in the last 40 years has seen him writing on topics ranging from the basics of economic thinking to the impact of government programs on minorities to late-talking children. Sowell was born during the Great Depression and raised by his great-aunt. From these humble beginnings, he built a hugely successful and influential career as one of America’s most important economic thinkers. A major theme of his work, expanding on the ideas of F. A. Hayek, is the role knowledge plays in economies and how different institutional arrangements can either help or hinder the beneficial aggregation of dispersed knowledge. Sowell has also written at length about the unintended consequences of state run social programs such as welfare and affirmative action. He argues that many proponents of such plans are often more interested in conspicuously appearing to help than in actually having a positive impact. Some of his most theoretical work can be found in his trilogy of books on the origins of political ideologies. In A Conflict of Visions, Sowell contrasts the “constrained” and “unconstrained” visions of human nature and shows how their conflict informs much seemingly unrelated political debate. Sowell is currently a Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.


- Regula!
Sobre a regulação de transporte de navio pros EUA no século XVIII feita pela Inglaterra. The conditions on the ships of that era were truly appalling, by all accounts. Yet Irish emigrants rushed to get on those ships before the deadline for improvement.*...

- Citações Do Economista Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell is not only one of the finest columnists in the business, he's a prolific author, a brilliant economist, and he has an incomparable knack for simplifying complex concepts that few other human beings can match. Enjoy the distilled wisdom!...

Sábias palavras Alguns bons pensamentos na coluna do Thomas Sowell: Of all ignorance, the ignorance of the educated is the most dangerous. Not only are educated people likely to have more influence, they are the last people to suspect that they don't...

Thomas Sowell Já que o Marcus e o meu xará citaram-no recentemente, senti-me compelido a procurar ler algo do Thomas Sowell de novo. Fazia tempo que não dava uma lida na coluna dele. E aí achei estes dois interessantes artigos. Nada profundos,...

Por que não gosto da minha imprensa cultural Porque não acho artigos como estes: Thomas Sowell: The globalization of quotas Walter Williams: Let's get married Politicamente incorretos, mas não desprovidos de razão. E, para os corretos,...

