A agenda de Obama.

A agenda de Obama.

Para hoje, na agenda do Presidente Barack Obama:

The President hosts a working dinner with President Rousseff of Brazil; the Vice President also attends.
Blue Room
Closed Press

Qual a repercussão desta notícia no noticiário internacional?


- Brasil Cai No Ranking De Corrupção
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- A Economia Não Precisa Do Governo
Thomas Sowell explica: "... From all this, and much else that is said in the media and on the campaign trail, you might think that the economy requires government intervention to revive and create jobs. It is Beltway dogma that the government has...

- Política Brasileira - A Grande Faxina
The Economist reporta: "... Almost eight months into her term as Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff has found herself sucked into the political swamp that is Brasília. She has reacted firmly to corruption scandals, and is striving to trim budget...

- Eu - Trilhões De Dólares Deficits Orçamentais Por Anos
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Taiwan livre! É cedo para dizer, mas aposto que tem dedo de agentes secretos da China continental neste atentado. 1.Presidente e vice de Taiwan são baleados durante campanha eleitoral 2. Beijing views the referendum as a dry run for a vote...

