Uma tragédia nacional

Uma tragédia nacional

June 8 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil is running out of beer cans ..
Leia mais sobre a falta de latas para cerveja como consequencia da alta taxa do crescimento econômico do Brasil.


- Brasil Visto Do Exterior
    Brazil's President Is Running Scared May 16, 2014 12:08 PM EDT By Raul Gallegos   ... Rousseff’s electoral bread-and-circus tactics suggest the brand of paternalistic politics Brazil can expect if...

- Somos Os Novos Ricos
Brazilians Buy Miami Condos as Real Gains June 21 (Bloomberg) -- Surging real estate prices in Brazil and the real's 45 percent gain against the U.S. dollar since 2008 are sending Brazilians to South Florida in search of bargain vacation homes...

- Independência Do Banco Central Do Brasil
June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Strengthening the independence of Brazil’s central bank will help reduce uncertainties in Latin America’s biggest economy, said Henrique Meirelles, president of the monetary authority. Text completo ...

- Os Brics E O Dólar
June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, Russia, India and China are considering buying each other’s bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on the U.S. dollar, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s top economic adviser said......

- Comércio Com China Sem O Dólar

