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Brazilians Buy Miami Condos as Real Gains

June 21 (Bloomberg) -- Surging real estate prices in Brazil and the real's 45 percent gain against the U.S. dollar since 2008 are sending Brazilians to South Florida in search of bargain vacation homes and property investments. That’s helping bolster Miami’s condo market, with total sales increasing 92 percent in the first four months of 2011 from a year earlier, according to data from the Florida Association of Realtors. Gigi Stone reports on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop." (Source: Bloomberg)
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- Nova Fase Da Política Monetária E Cambial Internacional
Russia to Brazil Intervention Adds to U.S. Debt Distress By Wes Goodman & Candice Zachariahs Investors suffering the worst losses in Treasuries since at least 1978 can add dollar sales by emerging-market central banks to their list...

- China Cresce 9,5 %
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- Petrobras
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- Votando Dinheiro Por Fora

- Política Monetária
Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of beef, sugar and coffee, may ease bank reserve requirements for a fourth time in two weeks to free up lending for farmers, Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes said. Brazilian banks need...

