Os BRICs e o dólar

Os BRICs e o dólar

June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, Russia, India and China are considering buying each other’s bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on the U.S. dollar, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s top economic adviser said...


- Nova Fase Da Política Monetária E Cambial Internacional
Russia to Brazil Intervention Adds to U.S. Debt Distress By Wes Goodman & Candice Zachariahs Investors suffering the worst losses in Treasuries since at least 1978 can add dollar sales by emerging-market central banks to their list...

- Guerra Cambial Entra Nova Fase
RUSSIA Now Fully Commited With Rest of BRICS To DESTROY Reserve Currency Status Of DOLLAR The status of the US dollar as the world reserve currency gives the US a number of advantages over other countries. The world’s most important commodities...

- Os Bric(s)s
Principais dados dos BRICS (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul), segundo um documento divulgado nesta quinta-feira por ocasião da reunião de cúpula celebrada no sul da China pelo grupo de potências emergentes. O documento afirma que...

- China - Brasil: Comércio Sem O Us Dólar
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- The central bank governors of China and Brazil have agreed in principle to allow trade between the two countries to be settled in their respective currencies, reports said Sunday. People's Bank of China Gov. Zhou...

- Os Brics E O Dólar
BRICs Will Not Mull New Reserve CurrenciesRUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA, BRAZIL, CURRENCIES, ECONOMY, GLOBALReuters | 14 Jun 2009 | 07:43 PM ET Leaders of Russia, China, India and Brazil do not intend to discuss new global reserve currencies at their first summit...

