Uma bolha chinesa?

Uma bolha chinesa?

Cheap labour isn’t forever. The act of taking advantage of it enriches the work force over time...
There is great concern about China’s real-estate and infrastructure bubbles. But these are just short-term challenges that China may be able to spend its way out of. The real threat to China’s economy is bigger and longer term: its manufacturing bubble.


- País Do Futuro Ou País Das Ilusões?
Miami-based, fund manager Bret Jensen has recently written an article explaining why he is avoiding long investments in Brazil’s stock market. In fact, he said he is increasing a short position in a leading online retailer as he thinks the country...

- Inovação E Crescimento Econômico Nos Países Emergentes
The Economist observa uma nova onda de progresso tecnológico nos países em desenvolvimento. Leia o que diz "The Economist" sobre este fenômeno: "THIRTY years ago the bosses of America’s car industry were shocked to learn that Japan had overtaken...

- Política De Demanda Agregada
"... Barack Obama’s top economic adviser has urged world leaders to pump more public money into the economy in a co-ordinated effort to boost demand and lift the world out of recession. In an interview with the Financial Times, Lawrence Summers said...

- Corrida Ao Fundo Do Poço
Entre EUA e Europa, quem está pior? Segundo Simon Johnson, a Europa: "In the near term, the Europeans have the bigger problem – and this will only be compounded by slower growth in the United States (home to about one-quarter of the world economy)....

- Renminbi Subvalorizado: Quem Paga A Conta?
Países pobres e mercados emergentes, como argumenta Arvind Subramanian, no FT: "... an undervalued exchange rate is above all a protectionist trade policy, because it is the combination of an import tariff and an export subsidy. It follows therefore...

