Política de demanda agregada

Política de demanda agregada

"... Barack Obama’s top economic adviser has urged world leaders to pump more public money into the economy in a co-ordinated effort to boost demand and lift the world out of recession. In an interview with the Financial Times, Lawrence Summers said the urgent need for a short-term increase in spending by governments temporarily overrode the longer-term goal of tackling the global imbalances many economists believe caused the financial crisis..." http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5d8b5e18-0c14-11de-b87d-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1


- Mankiw’s Favorite Proposal And The Futility Of Cute Ideas
In an op-ed for the New York Times, Harvard professor N. Gregory Mankiw wrote:“My favorite proposal is to require banks, and perhaps a broad class of financial institutions, to sell contingent debt that can be converted to equity when a regulator deems...

- Quantitative Easing
Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to pump $600 billion into the economy might “shock” emerging markets by flooding them with capital. The first round of quantitative easing, as the Fed policy is...

- Políticas Contra A Crise
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Japan and China on Friday backed government spending to fight the global financial crisis, ahead of a G20 meeting at which the United States and Europe are split over the need for more aggressive stimulus measures. Japanese Finance...

- Conhecimentos Errados
"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that aren't true."--attributed to Mark Twain Easy answers are seldom correct ones. That principle seems to be at work as the nation struggles to discover...

- Irá A Política Aprofundar A Primeira Recessão Global?
Em todo o planeta, governos estão planejando intervenções em mercados, de magnitude e profundidade nunca vistos desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O risco político destas intervenções pode tornar a atual recessão mundial muito pior do que se imagina....

