Corrida ao Fundo do Poço

Corrida ao Fundo do Poço

Entre EUA e Europa, quem está pior? Segundo Simon Johnson, a Europa:

"In the near term, the Europeans have the bigger problem – and this will only be compounded by slower growth in the United States (home to about one-quarter of the world economy). Over the longer haul, it remains to be seen when and how politicians in the United States will take up the real budget issues. So far, the evidence is not encouraging."


- Crescimento Econômico
"There is no evidence that God ever intended the United States of America to have a higher per capita income than the rest of the world for eternity."...

- 11 Razões Para Abolir O Banco Central
The following are 11 reasons why the Federal Reserve should be abolished... #1 The Greatest Period Of Economic Growth In The History Of The United States Happened When There Was No Central Bank Did you know that the greatest period of economic growth...

- Os Estados Unidos Perto Da Bancarotta
Is the United States Bankrupt? Laurence J. Kotlikoff ".. Many would scoff at this notion. They’d point out that the country has never defaulted on its debt; that its debt-to-GDP (gross domestic product) ratio is substantially lower than that...

- Alemanha - Mercado De Trabalho
How Germany retained jobs despite downturn — and what it means for usBy Zachary RothAs the United States struggles to replace the 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession, it makes sense to look at the one developed nation that came out of the global...

- Falir é Bom E Faz Bem
É o que diz Simon Johnson, professor de empreendedorismo na MIT Sloan School of Management: “This country (os EUA) is based on our ability to take risks, to create new things — and our ability to fail, individually and in a corporate setting. If...

