The Making of a Euromess

The Making of a Euromess

É o título desta crónica de Krugman que toma o caso de Espanha como referência mas que será igualmente aplicável a outros países e em particular a Portugal. E o minimo que se pode dizer é que o prognóstico não é muito animador. Utilizando as próprias palavras de Krugman:

"What we'll probably see over the next few years is a painful process of muddling through: bailouts accompanied by demands for savage austerity, all against a background of very high unemployment, perpetuated by the grinding inflation (...) It's an ugly picture. But it's important to understand the nature of Euroe's fatal flaw. Yes, some governmemts were irresponsible; but the fundamental problem was hubris, the arrogant belief that Europe could make a single currency work despite strong reasons to believe that it wasn't ready".


- Ler Os Outros: The Printing Press Mystery - Paul Krugman
A propósito de um artigo de John Plender no FT em que estranha o facto de os mercados apenas "atacarem" os países que não dispõem de moeda própria, considerando que isso contradiz a tradicional preocupação dos mercados com a inflação. Krugman...

- A Entrevista Ao Blomberg
May 10 (Blomberg) - It is Mother's Day for most people. But for an investigative reporter like me, that is the day to go undercover, travel to faraway lands and, who knows, do the footwork that will earn me a Pulitzer. For this is the day when cognoscenti...

- A Economia Não é Uma Maquina
The Fatal Flaw at the Heart of Modern Economics Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 by Bill Bonner Before coming to California and Mississippi, we gave a speech in London. In it we quoted economist Paul Krugman. Here’s the quote,...

- A Falha Das Médias Ou Os Erros Da Estatística E Econometria
The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty  by Sam L. Savage A GROUNDBREAKING MUST-READ FOR ANYONE WHO MAKES BUSINESS DECISIONS IN THE FACE OF UNCERTAINTY In The Flaw of Averages, Sam Savage—known...

- Desemprego Na Europa
The undeployed A broader measure makes unemployment in Europe look even worse UNEMPLOYMENT rates typically count those looking for work but unable to find it. That measure overlooks many who are semi-detached...

