Quando eu achava que já havia visto tudo...

Quando eu achava que já havia visto tudo...

A primeira fala da presidente-eleita Dilma para o público mundial – na capa do Wall Street Journal desta terça-feira:
“The last time there was a competitive devaluation of currencies it ended up where it did, in the Second World War.”



- Keynes E Os Neo-keynesianos
What Keynes Would Think of ‘Neo-Keynesians’ Unlike his acolytes, he understood the value of gold and the dangers of currency debasement. By Richard Hurowitz Sept. 20, 2015 6:37 p.m. ET 68 COMMENTS ...

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The 10 Most Competitive Countries in the World Read more: http://wallstcheatsheet.com/business/the-10-most-competitive-countries-in-the-world.html/?a=viewall#ixzz3MqgrkK78...

- Como Criar Emprego
WSJ economist: Ron Paul's 0% income tax would be world's greatest job creatorKenneth Schortgen Jr During the January 16th debates in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Presidential candidate Ron Paul laid down a bombshell by advocating his goal...

- O Ciclo Econômico - A Teoria De Mises
No Wall Street Journal de ontem Mark Spitznagel explica bastante bem o ponto central da teoria de Ludwig von Mises sobre o ciclo econômico e a sua relevância para hoje: "Ludwig von Mises was snubbed by economists world-wide as he...

Links de artigos que examinam a contribuição de modelos estadísticos quantitativos de modelar risco e incerteza para a emergência da crise atual: A dash of this integer and a dab of that regression March 30, 2009 11:11 PM by Tim Swanson Wondering...

