Como criar emprego

Como criar emprego

WSJ economist: Ron Paul's 0% income tax would be world's greatest job creator


- Paul Samuelson E Os Maiores.
Em entrevista na The New Yorker, PAUL SAMUELSON registra a sua opinião sobre os maiores economistas de todos os tempos: Q: At this stage, how would you rank Keynes? A: “I still think he was the greatest economist of the twentieth century and one of...

- Crescimento Econômico E Distribuição
Solow writes, if the economy is growing at g percent per year, and if it saves s percent of its national income each year, the self-reproducing capital-income ratio is s / g (10 / 2 in the example). Piketty suggests that global growth of output...

- Desigualdade Salárial Aumenta
The Economist online Income inequality is rising in rich countriesTHE gap between rich and poor has grown ever wider in wealthy countries over the past three decades. A new report by the OECD has reams of data on this phenomenon and is well worth looking...

- Bhagwati Sobre Os Mitos Protecionistas
Nada como ter a teoria correta e os dados na ponta da língua. Um dos maiores experts de comércio internacional, Jagdish Bhagwati, aponta os maiores mitos do protecionismo. O argumento completo está aqui. Myth 1: “The cost of protection and its flipside,...

Milton Friedman, a máquina pensante...mesmo aos 91! Welcome to -- Mark Skousen's Website for the Best of Money and Economics Trechos: 1. Re: Social Responsibility of Business: Milton Friedman's thesis is that the sole...

