As 10 mais competitivas economias do mundo

As 10 mais competitivas economias do mundo

The 10 Most Competitive Countries in the World

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- Fim Da Convergência
How poor countries seemed to be catching up with rich ones—and why they are now falling behind again Sep 14th 2014, 23:50 by R.A. Close Save this article Click this to add articles to your Timekeeper reading list. Learn more » IF THE 20th...

- Comércio Internacional
This video seeks to make the point that if international trade is beneficial when a domestic industry is competitive, it's even more so when that domestic industry is a monopoly. International free trade can force a monopolist to produce as if it...

- A Relação Entre "felicidade" E Pib Per Capita Em Poder De Compra
DESPITE the economic gloom, the world is happier than it was before the financial crisis set in (according to a recent poll from Ipsos which surveyed 19,000 adults in 24 countries). 77% of respondents describe themselves as "happy", three percentage...

- Os Dois Lados Da Economia Alemã
"... Germany is rightly known for Porsches and BMWs that are coveted by affluent buyers around the world, as well as much of the machinery that keeps factories running from China to Michigan. Alongside the export juggernaut, though, is another, creakier...

- Economia Internacional: Novos Aspectos
The Economist: "... Kei-Mu Yi, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, argues that trade has fallen so fast and so uniformly around the world largely because of the rise of “vertical specialisation”, or global supply chains. This...

