Mensalão na vista do The Economist

Mensalão na vista do The Economist

Corruption in Brazil - Justice delayed  - The politicians accused of involvement in a vast vote-buying scheme, along with their associates, will face trial at last

"...  the trial, due to start on August 2nd, of 38 people accused of involvement in Brazil’s biggest corruption scandal of recent years is a rarity. The central accusation in the “mensalão” (big monthly stipend) case is that, after coming to power in 2003, the Workers’ Party (PT) diverted money from the advertising budgets and pension schemes of state-controlled firms to pay off legislators from allied parties, in return for their support. The allegations first surfaced in 2005, and the Supreme Court took on the case in 2007. Only now are the judges ready to try it.


- Brasil Cai No Ranking De Corrupção
Brazil Takes the Biggest Tumble in Annual Corruption Perception Index By Lucy Westcott Brazil saw the largest fall in the ranking, going from 43 points in 2014 to 38 points in 2015 and now shares joint 76th place ... Brazil continues to deal...

- Mais Ações Judicial Contra Petrobras Do Exterior
Petrobras scandal prompts wave of investor lawsuits Madison Marriage Petrobras is being sued for losses suffered as a result of bribery alleged to have taken place at the company between 2004 and 2012 One of Sweden’s largest investors has pledged...

- Brasil - Vítima Do Keynesianismo Vulgar
Novo texto do Antony Mueller Brazil: Victim of Vulgar Keynesianism by Antony P. Mueller "... in early 2015, disillusion has fully set in. People feel cheated by the false optimism of the government. The corruption scandal of the Brazilian oil company...

- The Economist Sobre O Brasil De 2015
In a quagmire Latin America’s erstwhile star is in its worst mess since the early 1990s   CAMPAIGNING for a second term as Brazil’s president in an election last October, Dilma Rousseff painted a rosy picture of the world’s seventh-biggest...

- Petrobras - Uma Piada
Web Comic: Brazil's Petrobras Corruption Scandal Petrobras desenhos ...

