Brasil cai no ranking de corrupção

Brasil cai no ranking de corrupção

Brazil Takes the Biggest Tumble in Annual Corruption Perception Index

Brazil saw the largest fall in the ranking, going from 43 points in 2014 to 38 points in 2015 and now shares joint 76th place ...
Brazil continues to deal with the fallout from the Petrobras scandal, which has seen a number of politicians, including Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, accused of knowing about or taking bribes of up to $800 million for contracts with Petrobras, the country’s semi-public oil and natural gas company. Last March, millions of Brazilians took to the streets to demand President Rousseff’s impeachment for her alleged knowledge of the scandal, shortly after her re-election.


- O Brasil No The New York Times: Brazil’s Rising Turbulence.
Brazil is in tatters. The economy is in a deepening recession: Last Tuesday, Moody’s downgraded Brazil’s credit rating to just about junk. A massive corruption scandal involving the national oil company Petrobras has ensnared scores of politicians...

- A Setback In Brazil.
Just a couple of years ago, it was widely concluded that Brazil had finally overcome the decades-old gibe about the world’s fifth-largest country: that it would always be “the country of the future.” Exports, particularly to Asia, were booming;...

- Custos Da Corrupção De Petrobras Estimado Em R$ 87 Bilhões
How Much Of Brazil's Economy Got Lost In Petrobras Scandal? A study out this week in Brazil estimates just how much the country lost to this ugly Petrobras oil scandal.  The price tag: R$87 billion ($27.1 billion) that is expected...

- Brasil - Vítima Do Keynesianismo Vulgar
Novo texto do Antony Mueller Brazil: Victim of Vulgar Keynesianism by Antony P. Mueller "... in early 2015, disillusion has fully set in. People feel cheated by the false optimism of the government. The corruption scandal of the Brazilian oil company...

- Petrobras - Uma Piada
Web Comic: Brazil's Petrobras Corruption Scandal Petrobras desenhos ...

