Brasil - vítima do keynesianismo vulgar

Brasil - vítima do keynesianismo vulgar

Novo texto do Antony Mueller

Brazil: Victim of Vulgar Keynesianism

by Antony P. Mueller

"... in early 2015, disillusion has fully set in. People feel cheated by the false optimism of the government. The corruption scandal of the Brazilian oil company Petrobras together with the rapidly deteriorating economic conditions drove over a million of Brazilians to the streets on March 15 in protest against the government.
What many of the protesters fail to see, however, is that Brazil needs more than just a change of government. The country needs a change of mind. In order to get on to the path of prosperity, Brazil has to discard its prevalent economic ideology. Brazil has to get rid of its tradition of profligate government spending and easy money, Marxist-inspired state involvement in the economy, and the protectionism that had come with the adoption of Cepalism (the economic policy concept of theEconomic Commission of Latin America). Not special circumstances lie at the heart of the current malaise, but wrong ideas about economic policy.


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