EUA - desemprego a longa duração

EUA - desemprego a longa duração

Millions Cut Off Without Unemployment Extension
2,153,700: The number of jobless people currently receiving unemployment benefits who will lose them by Feb. 11, 2012 if an extension isn’t enacted by Congress by the end of the year.
While Republicans and Democrats continue to spar over the best way to inspire job creation, millions of recipients of unemployment benefits may get caught in the cross-fire...
Some 44.6% of all of those who are unemployed have been sidelined for at least six months. Most of those individuals — nearly 4.4 million — have been out of work for a least a year.Mais


- Desemprego De Longa Duração
Numa em que uma das principais questões da economia dos EUA é a relativamente fraca criação de emprego e a persistente elevada taxa de desemprego com um elevado peso de desempregados de longa duração (ver aqui)  uma das questões...

- Mercado De Trabalho
A new study argues cutting unemployment benefits created 1.8 million jobs Just looking at the economy's overall size, you wouldn't think that the last year was much different from any of the others since the recession. The U.S....

- Uma Segunda Olhado Sobre O Mercado De Trabalho Americano
Long-Term Unemployment Is Turning Jobless Into Pariahs By the Editors Long-term unemployment is one of the most vexing problems the U.S. faces, and today’s jobs report shows all-too-meager progress in fixing it. The U.S. created 165,000 new...

- "bolsas Familias" Americanas
A Nation of Government Dependents?49% of U.S. Population Lives in Households Receiving Government BenefitsVeronique de Rugy"... In 2010, 49 percent — or nearly half — of the U.S. population lived in a household receiving government assistance. According...

- Pobreza Americana
Most Food Stamp Recipients Have No Earned Income By Sara MurraySome 70% of households that relied on food stamps last year had no earned income, a new report shows.More than 40 million individuals and nearly 19 million households tapped the food stamp...

