"Bolsas familias" americanas

"Bolsas familias" americanas

A Nation of Government Dependents?

49% of U.S. Population Lives in Households Receiving Government Benefits
Veronique de Rugy
"... In 2010, 49 percent — or nearly half — of the U.S. population lived in a household receiving government assistance. According to Investors.com, this percentage of the population has gone “up from 44 percent the year before Obama took office, and way up from 1983, when fewer than a third were government beneficiaries.”
Spending on entitlement programs is one of the main drivers to U.S. debt as such programs have the most recipients. Specifically, 16 percent of the population lived in a household receiving Social Security benefits, and 15 percent in a household receiving Medicare benefits. Medicaid benefits had the largest share of dependents, with 26 percent of the population living in a household receiving such benefits.

About 35 percent of Americans in 2010 lived in households that received benefits from at least one means-tested transfer program. Out of these programs, more than 46 million—or 15 percent of all Americans—lived in households receiving food stamps, 2 percent unemployment compensation, and 6 percent supplemental security income. The percent of the population living in a household receiving benefits for low-income families with children reached 8 percent, and those receiving temporary assistance for needy families reached 2 percent. 


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