Entender a crise financeira

Entender a crise financeira

We Don’t Face Any Good Options’

Nobel Prize–winning economist Vernon Smith on the financial crisis, Adam Smith’s underrated insights, and his journey from socialist to libertarian.

 Smith: If you think about the housing bubble, buyers, sellers, borrowers, lenders, real estate agents, government regulators—everybody believed that prices would rise and continue to rise. And that is the essence of a bubble. Suppose a regulator in 2003 or 2004 said, “Hey, this thing is not sustainable. We’ve got to do something to stop it.” I think he’d have been fired. If the bubble had been stopped in 2003 or 2004, it probably would have been a lot less damaging. But who’s going to know that?


- Crise Financeira Internacional De 2008
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- O Caminho Da Crise
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- Crescimento Econômico
A eternamenta válida receita de Adam Smith para o desenvolvimento econômico: "Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism, but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice:...

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Petróleo, Iraque, e um povo livre O Prêmio Nobel de Economia de 2003, Vernon Smith, neste artigo, trata de um problema que já tentei discutir aqui antes - sem sucesso: o da alocação de petróleo num Iraque pós-ditadura. Sound too pie-in-the-sky...

