Crise financeira internacional de 2008

Crise financeira internacional de 2008

Abaixo links para um excelente conjunto de artigos relativos à crise financeira internacional de 2008:

Alan Greenspan. The roots of the mortgage crisis.

Alan Greenspan. The Fed didn’t cause the housing bubble.

Barry Eichengreen. The last temptation of risk.

Dani Rodrik. Who killed Wall Street.

Guido Tabellini. Lessons for the future: ideas and rules for the world in the aftermath of the storm.

John Taylor. How government created the financial crisis.

Martin Wolf. Financial globalisation, growth and asset prices.

Robert Frank. Pursuit of an edge, in steroids or stocks.

Robert Frank. Flaw in free markets: humans.

Robert Shiller. How a bubble stayed under the radar.

Tyler Cowen. Three trends and a train wreck.


- Greenspan (se) Explica (ii)
John Taylor, em artigo publicado em The Wall Street Journal, resumindo a análise do seu NBER Working Paper mencionado aqui, atribuiu a crise financeira americana a "excessos" da política monetária conduzida pelo FED, especialmente em 2003-05. Alan...

- Greenspan (se) Explica (ii)
John Taylor, em artigo publicado em The Wall Street Journal, resumindo a análise do seu NBER Working Paper mencionado aqui, atribuiu a crise financeira americana a "excessos" da política monetária conduzida pelo FED, especialmente em 2003-05. Alan...

- O Caminho Da Crise
Bailout economics – two decades of monetary excesses 1987 Stock market crash 1988-90 Savings and Loan crisis 1990 Stock market “mini-crash” 1990-91 Gulf War I 1990-91 US mini-recession 1994 Mexican peso crisis 1997 Asian financial crisis...

- O Que Está Errada Com A Macroeconomia?
What's Wrong with Macroeconomics?Nick Rowe: John Cochrane, Paul Krugman, and Say's Law, again Brad Delong: In Which Nick Rowe Says John Cochrane Commits "Small But important" Errors... Free Exchange: Which caricature do you prefer? Mario Rizzo:...

- The Bailout Reader
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Freddie Mac: A Mercantilist Enterprise, by Paul Cleveland, March 14, 2005 Fannie Mae: Another New Deal Monstrosity, by Karen De Coster, July 2, 2007 How Fannie and Freddie Made Me a Grumpy Economist, by Christopher Westley,...

