O caminho da crise

O caminho da crise

Bailout economics – two decades of monetary excesses
1987 Stock market crash
1988-90 Savings and Loan crisis
1990 Stock market “mini-crash”
1990-91 Gulf War I
1990-91 US mini-recession
1994 Mexican peso crisis
1997 Asian financial crisis
1998 Russian debt crisis
1998 Long-term Capital Management collapse
1999 Y2K liquidity crisis
2000 NASDAQ collapse (dot.com bubble)
2001 US recession
2001 9/11 terrorist attacks
2003 Gulf War II
2003-2004 Deflation scare
2005 Housing froth
2007 Beginning of housing crash
2007 Financial market “freeze”
2008 Stock market crash
2008 Year of the mega bailouts
2009 Financial crisis turns into economic crisis


- Metas Da Inflação
Inflation Targeting Hits the WallMises Daily:Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by Antony P. MuellerThe financial-market crisis is not over but has grown into a vicious sovereign-debt crisis. Nevertheless, monetary policy makers of the major economies go on...

- A Situação Atual Da Teoria Macroeconômica
Referências bibliográficas sobre o status da teoria macroeconômica atual: ReferencesAndrew, E. (2008). "Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation." The New York Times. October 23, 2008. Buchanan, J. (2009). "Economists Have No Clothes." Perspectives...

- A Orígem Da Crise Financeira
John B. Taylor: "... My research shows that government actions and interventions -- not any inherent failure or instability of the private economy -- caused, prolonged and dramatically worsened the crisis. The classic explanation of financial crises is...

- Data Show Sobre A Crise Financeira
House of Cards - Origins of the Financial Crisis ''Then and Now'' "Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters." --Internal email, Wall Street, 12/15/06 Prophetic words that predicted the greatest...

- Uma Autópsia Do Sistema Financeiro Americano
O abstract do recente artigo de Ross Levine é o seguinte: "In this postmortem, I find that the design, implementation, and maintenance of financial policies during the period from 1996 through 2006 were primary causes of the financial system’s demise....

