Emoções e actividade respiratória

Emoções e actividade respiratória

"Basic emotions are associated with distinct patterns of cardiorespiratory activity", artigo de P. Rainville, A. Bechara, N. Naqvi e António Damasio
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 31 de Janeiro de 2006
«The existence of specific somatic states associated with different emotions remains controversial. In this study, we investigated the profile of cardiorespiratory activity during the experience of fear, anger, sadness and happiness. (...) Univariate statistics indicated that the four emotions differed from each other and from the neutral control condition on several linear and spectral indices of cardiorespiratory activity. (...) These findings may be considered preliminary in view of the small sample on which the multivariate approach has been applied. However, this study emphasizes the need to better characterize the multidimensional factors involved in cardio-respiratory regulation during emotion. These results are consistent with the notion that distinct patterns of peripheral physiological activity are associated with different emotions.»


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