Neuroeconomia: mais um passo

Neuroeconomia: mais um passo

A edição de Agosto da revista Neuroeconomia: o regresso do 'animal spirits'.

A revista inclui um artigo de Damásio e Bechara: "Neuroeconomia. Outros artigos incluidos na referida publicação são (links para os resumos):

  • Neuroeconomics: Present and future - editorial, texto integral em word.
  • Physiological utility theory and the neuroeconomics of choice
  • A brain imaging study of the choice procedure
  • Employing labor-supply theory to measure the reward value of electrical brain stimulation
  • Neurally reconstructing expected utility
  • Economics and emotion: Institutions matter
  • Deconstructing the law of effect
  • Self-referential thinking and equilibrium as states of mind in games: fMRI evidence
  • Modeling internal commitment mechanisms and self-control: A neuroeconomics approach to consumption–saving decisions

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