Economia de cerveja (beer economics)

Economia de cerveja (beer economics)

From Monasteries to Multinationals (and Back):
A Historical Review of the Beer Economy
Eline Poelmans 1 and Johan Swinnen 2
This article reviews beer production, consumption and the industrial organization of breweries throughout history. Monasteries were the centers of the beer economy in the early Middle Ages. Innovation and increased demand later induced the growth of commercial breweries. Globalization and scientific discoveries transformed the beer industry and increased competition from the 16th through the 19th century. The 20th century was characterized by dramatic (domestic and international) consolidation, major shifts in consumption patterns, and the re-emergence of small breweries.


- Novo Recorde Na 1.a Semana Do Oktoberfest
Oktoberfest Record Beer Consumption -- And It's Only Half Over The Munich Oktoberfest may be heading for a new beer-guzzling record this year after 3.6 million liters were downed in the first week alone. But the number of people passing out...

- Quanto Custa?
Uma lista das 30 mais caras cidades do mundo. No. 1: Tokyo Quick lunch: $20.80 Beer at a bar: $10.56 Kilogram of rice: $9.80 Dozen eggs: $4.50 Movie theater ticket: $23.80 No. 6: Zurich  Quick lunch: $32.90 Beer at a bar: $10.54 Kilogram...

- Uma Tragédia Nacional
June 8 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil is running out of beer cans .. Leia mais sobre a falta de latas para cerveja como consequencia da alta taxa do crescimento econômico do Brasil....


Cerveja! O artigo que eu sempre quis ler....:-) Research Papers Well-Intentioned Insurance Legislation May Increase Alcohol Abuse by Jonathan Klick June 3, 2003 In a new working paper, Mercatus scholars, Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann...

