Quanto custa?

Quanto custa?

Uma lista das 30 mais caras cidades do mundo.

No. 1: Tokyo
Quick lunch: $20.80
Beer at a bar: $10.56
Kilogram of rice: $9.80
Dozen eggs: $4.50
Movie theater ticket: $23.80
No. 6: Zurich 
Quick lunch: $32.90
Beer at a bar: $10.54
Kilogram of rice: $3.70
Dozen eggs: $7.90
Movie theater ticket: $19.60
No. 7: Luanda, Angola
Quick lunch: $52.40
Beer at a bar: $6.62
Kilogram of rice: $4.60
Dozen eggs: $5.20
Movie theater ticket: $13.90 

No. 23 Most Expensive City: Rio de Janeiro
Quick lunch: $26.10
Beer at a bar: $5.82
Kilogram of rice: $1.70
Dozen eggs: $3.10
Movie theater ticket: $12.90

No. 27 Most Expensive City: Sao Paulo
Quick lunch: $27.80
Beer at a bar: $6.12
Kilogram of rice: $2.40
Dozen eggs: $3
Movie theater ticket: $13.60
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