Desigualdade salarial

Desigualdade salarial

How Rich Economies Must Adapt to Tomorrow’s Job Market
Across the developed world, well-paid jobs in the middle of the labor market are in decline. The issue isn’t simple, nor are the remedies, but governments must start paying attention.
The name for what’s going on is job polarization. Wages at the top are still rising, and at the very top they’re rising fast. Wages in a lot of menial and low-skill occupations are at least holding their own. But as research by David Autor, an MIT economics professor, and others has demonstrated, earnings in the middle of the labor market have been falling for years.


- Boundaries
• Taking the data at face value,  we find that GDP growth in the 4 quarters up to 2Q2012 has slowed down to 1.2%, while employment growth during the same period reached 1.9%, developments that suggest productivity coming down by 0.7%;• That...

- Sophie’s Choice
Resolvi começar a postar os resumos dos relatórios que publico pela consultoria. Só os resumos, bem entendido, e apenas uma semana depois dos clientes terem recebido o material. Os relatórios completos não estarão disponíveis.• The performance...

- Ha-joon Chang. 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism
Sumário do novo livro de HA-JOON CHANG. 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism. Ver entrevista do autor na Globonews no link abaixo

Um texto sobre "tamanho do governo" que me pareceu interessante: Women Prefer Larger Governments: Growth, Structural Transformation and Government Size Tiago V. de V. Cavalcanti† Jos´e Tavares‡ July 2004 Abstract The increase in income...

Complementando o post do Ari... O paper parece não estar online, mas eu já tive uma cópia do mesmo algum dia. E é ótimo de se ler. Principalmente se você acha que conhece a restrição orçamentária não-linear... Published or Forthcoming...

