
Um texto sobre "tamanho do governo" que me pareceu interessante:

Women Prefer Larger Governments:
Growth, Structural Transformation and Government Size
Tiago V. de V. Cavalcanti† Jos´e Tavares‡
July 2004
The increase in income per capita is accompanied, in virtually all countries, by two
changes in the structure of the economy, namely an increase in the share of government
spending in GDP and an increase in female labor force participation. This paper sug-
gests that these two changes are causally related. We develop a growth model where the
structure of the economy is endogenous so that participation in market activities and gov-
ernment size are causally related. Economic growth and rising incomes are accompanied
by a greater incentive for women to engage in labor market activities as the opportunity
cost of staying at home increases. We hypothesize that government spending decreases
the cost of performing household chores such as, but not limited to, child rearing and
child care so that couples decide to engage further in the labor market and chose a higher
tax rate to finance more government spending. Using a wide cross-section of data for
developed and developing countries, we show that higher participation by women in the
labor market are indeed positively associated with larger governments. Furthermore, we
investigate the causal link between the two variables using as instrumental variables a
unique and novel dataset on the relative price of home appliances across OECD coun-
tries and over time. We find strong evidence of a causal link between participation in the
labor market and government size: a 10 percent rise in participation in the labor market
leads to a 7 to 8 percent rise in government size. This e ect is robust to the country
sample, time period, and a set of controls in the spirit of Rodrik (1998). The inclusion
of an endogenous choice of government spending allows a considerable extension of the
model in Galor and Weil (2000) so fertility can either rise or fall and phenomena like the
baby boom and baby bust in Greenwood at el. (2002) can be addressed. In addition, the
paper has important implications for the analysis of the secular as well as cross-country
determinants of government size.


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