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O paper parece não estar online, mas eu já tive uma cópia do mesmo algum dia. E é ótimo de se ler. Principalmente se você acha que conhece a restrição orçamentária não-linear...

Published or Forthcoming Papers of Alexander Tabarrok: "An Economic Theory of Avant-Garde and Popular Art, or High and Low Culture
(may be minor differences with published version)

ABSTRACT: Artists face choices between the pecuniary benefits of selling to the market and the non-pecuniary benefits of creating to please their own tastes. We examine how changes in wages, lump sum income, and capital-labor ratios affect the artist's pursuit of self-satisfaction versus market sales. Using our model of labor supply as a guide, we consider the economic forces behind the high/low culture split, why some artistic media offer greater scope for the avant-garde than others, why so many artists dislike the market, and how economic growth and taxation affect the quantity and form of different kinds of art.

Cowen, Tyler and Alexander Tabarrok. 2000. An Economic Theory of Avant-Garde and Popular Art, or High and Low Culture. Southern Economic Journal 67(2): 232-253.


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