Crescimento econômico - Brasil e Mexico

Crescimento econômico - Brasil e Mexico

 Will Brazil remain the country of the future?

THE question of whether the Mexican economy might one day regain the top spot in the Latin American league tables has once again become an interesting one. In 2010, many thought it had been settled. The Brazilian economy, more than double the size of Mexico’s, grew at a 7.5% annual rate while Mexico puttered forward at close to 2%. What a difference two years makes. While the Brazilian economy is shambling along at an annualised rate of 1.9% so far in 2012, the Mexican economy is set to grow at 3.9%. If this trend continues, some reckon the Mexican economy will overtake Brazil’s as soon as 2022.
One believer is Benito Berber, Nomura’s Latin America strategist. In a recent report Mr Berber applies Solow growth accounting to a series of forecasts on Mexico and Brazil, with striking results:


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