Brasil - país de futuro - de novo?

Brasil - país de futuro - de novo?

March 8, 2012   Brazil: The Country of the Future, Again?
Growth is down in Latin America’s largest economy and nervous, shell shocked Brazilians are crossing their fingers that their economy isn’t still stuck in its historic trap of commodity-dependence and high inflation.
Brazil, which grew 2.7 percent last year, isn’t the only emerging economy to slow down in the wake of decelerating growth across the developed economies: China lowered its growth target to its lowest in a decade, and India’s GDP is also quickly slipping. But Brazil’s long history of booms and busts, of bursts of economic dynamism which never quite manage to catapult the country to the front ranks, makes this slowdown more worrisome.


- Direto Do The New York Times Editorial Board: Brazil’s Next Steps.
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