Bhagwati Sobre os Mitos Protecionistas

Bhagwati Sobre os Mitos Protecionistas

Nada como ter a teoria correta e os dados na ponta da língua. Um dos maiores experts de comércio internacional, Jagdish Bhagwati, aponta os maiores mitos do protecionismo. O argumento completo está aqui.

Myth 1: “The cost of protection and its flipside, gains from trade, are negligible.”

Myth 2: “Free trade may increase economic prosperity, but it is bad for the working class.”

Myth 3: “Free trade requires that other countries also open their markets.”

Myth 4: “Paul Samuelson abandoned free trade, and he was the greatest economist of his time.”

Myth 5: “Offshoring of jobs will devastate rich countries.”


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