
Milton Friedman, a máquina pensante...mesmo aos 91!

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1. Re: Social Responsibility of Business: Milton Friedman's thesis is that the sole purpose of business is to make profits for its shareholders, and not to engage in charitable activities. However, in talking to him, he seemed to be willing to compromise somewhat on this issue. He said that it might be appropriate for a major corporation with a large presence in a community to engage in various charitable, public activities if it would increase positive
exposure about the company and lead to increased demand for its products. However, if a company is small, he sees no advantage. He is also opposed to companies creating their own charitable foundations, although he sees nothing wrong with founders and executives setting up their own personal foundations with their own funds.


3. Re Schwarzenegger as governor of California: Milton and Rose seemed pleased that he is governor, and that he will be highly successful. "He has a proven record of accomplishing his goals, and he has strong libertarian leanings."


5. Re Who is the greatest economist? Some of us wondered when he was asked this question at New Orleans Investment Conference a few years ago, and he did not say "Adam Smith." His response: "Adam Smith is a great economist, but you asked me who is the greatest economist, and in technical economics, I'd have to say David Ricardo, Alfred Marshall, or Irving Fisher. Fisher is the greatest American economist....." after which I said, "not counting present company." He smiled. Rose, by the way, disagrees with her husband on this issue; she does not think much of Alfred Marshall because of the way Marshall treated her wife, who was also an economist.


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