Brasil: 6ª economia mundial.

Brasil: 6ª economia mundial.

Notícia divulgada em vários jornais, (abaixo no britânico "Daily Mail"), mostra o resultado de um trabalho realizado por uma conceituada consultoria britânica, onde mostra o Brasil agora como a 6ª maior economia mundial. E o que muda para nós? Pelo menos 20 anos para que tenhamos o mesmo padrão de vida europeu, é o que dizem. Realmente, não me ufano com certas notícias... Qual a posição da educação?...
Brazil overtakes UK as sixth biggest economy as Britain falls behind a South American nation for the first time. China, Japan, Germany, France and the U.S. occupy the top five places.
Britain has been deposed by Brazil as the sixth largest economy in the world, latest figures show.
In a dramatic illustration of changing global economic fortunes, the UK has fallen behind a South American nation for the first time.
The figures, from the Centre for Economic and Business Research’s annual world economic league table, show Britain is now the seventh richest country in the world.
More often associated with football and dirt-poor shanty towns known as favelas, Brazil is fast becoming one of the powerhouses of the global economy.
The largest country in Latin America, its economy has surged because of vast reserves of natural resources and a rapidly growing, and cash-rich, middle class.


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