Nova etapa nas relações EUA e Brasil

Nova etapa nas relações EUA e Brasil

Dilma Rousseff's visit to America

Our friends in the South

Apr 7th 2012, 14:52 by H.J. | SAO PAULO
BRAZIL has probably never mattered more to America than it does now. America has probably never mattered less to Brazil. Not that relations are bad between the two countries—far from it; they are increasingly cordial and productive. But America has finally, belatedly, woken up to the fact there is a vast, stable country to its south as well as its north; a country, moreover, with a fast-growing and voraciously consuming middle class that seems to offer salvation to American businesses struggling in a moribund domestic market. Brazil, meanwhile, neither needs loans from American-dominated global financial institutions, nor is it otherwise beholden to the country. The United States is no longer even its biggest trading partner. China took that spot in 2009.


- Brasil: 6ª Economia Mundial.
Notícia divulgada em vários jornais, (abaixo no britânico "Daily Mail"), mostra o resultado de um trabalho realizado por uma conceituada consultoria britânica, onde mostra o Brasil agora como a 6ª maior economia mundial. E o que muda para nós?...

- As Riquezas Do Brasil
Curse or Blessing? Brazil has been a natural resource treasure since its beginning. European settlers to South America found its northeastern territory abundant with trees, called brasilwood, that yielded a vibrant red dye. The area became known...

- Brasil Em Comparação
THE ECONOMISTComparing Brazilian states with countriesCompare-cabanaWhich countries match the GDP and population of Brazil's states?THE notion that Brazil is in the vanguard of a group of emerging countries on their way to economic superpower-dom...

- Brasil! Brasil! - The Economist Diz: O Futuro Chegou
"... Brazilians have learned to temper their optimism with caution—even now, when the country is enjoying probably its best moment since a group of Portuguese sailors (looking for India) washed up on its shores in 1500. Brazil has been democratic before,...

- Corrida De Armas Na América Latina
"... Concerns over a possible arms race on the South American continent have turned the spotlight on who’s buying what and why.     Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia in particular appear determined to prove they won't be pushed...

