A responsabilidade do economista

A responsabilidade do economista

"The economist knows that a single error in his field may do more harm than almost all the sciences taken together can do good--even more, that a mistake in the choice of a social order, quite apart from the immediate effect, may profoundly affect the prospects for generations." F. A. v. Hayek http://www.mises.org/store/Trend-of-Economic-Thinking-The-P587.aspx


- Douglas C. North
Obituary: Douglass C. North, Nobel Prize-winning economist, 95 November 24, 2015 By Gerry Everding Douglass C. North, PhD, co-recipient of the 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Spencer T. Olin Professor Emeritus in Arts...

- Deflação De Preços
Price deflation is not a disaster, but a blessing Jesús Huerta de Soto and Philipp Bagus 29 June 2015 The ECB has finally launched its own open-ended Quantitative Easing (QE) planning to buy securities worth of €1.1tr euros....

- Thomas Sowell (1930 -)
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell 1930 The economist Thomas Sowell’s prodigious output of over 30 books in the last 40 years has seen him writing on topics ranging from the basics of economic thinking to the impact of...

- Dinheiro - Sua Natureza E Origem
The Nature and Origin of Money DECEMBER 07, 2012 by ALEX SALTER The study of spontaneous orders—systems of coordination resulting from human action but not of human design—is one of the most important tasks facing economists. Austrian economist...

- Erros Nas Ciências
"At least all sources of error that occur in the natural sciences also occur in the social sciences: or, in other words the statistical problems of the social sciences cannot be less serious than those of the natural sciences. Consequently, the treatment...

